Sunken ancient city discovered!?

I finally dived around the long-awaited “Ikei Island”.

Big fat whaler shark and a cute baby green turtle were spotted, it was quite entertaining day of 3 different dive sites, pretty much exceeded my expectation 🙂 but most of all, very unique topography was found in all three dive sites. Areas where simply hard to believe that nature had created some of the shapes, more easy to understand if human or similar intelligence had created. Which gave me a full confidence of my delusion is not that much of a crazy imagination after all. I was always wondering maybe the sea of Okinawa is full of ancient ruins!?

What do you think?

These overhangs are usually thought to be traces of lava flowing from ancient eruptions, but flat ceiling? 90 degrees corner?
again, flat surface makes me wonder…
looks like someone has created this vertical thing. May be a bridge?
this looks so much like a pathway and the wall looks very similar to ancient Okinawan Castles

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